
Other common tabular operations


Cast(self, inputs, dtype)

A step for casting selected columns to a specific dtype.


Name Type Description Default
inputs SelectionType A selection of columns to cast. required
dtype dt.DataType | type[dt.DataType] | str The dtype to cast to. May be a dtype instance, class, or a string representation of one. required


>>> import ibis_ml as ml

Cast all numeric columns to float64

>>> step = ml.Cast(ml.numeric(), "float64")

Cast specific columns to int64 by name

>>> step = ml.Cast(["x", "y"], "int64")


Drop(self, inputs)

A step for dropping selected columns from the output.


Name Type Description Default
inputs SelectionType A selection of columns to drop. required


>>> import ibis_ml as ml

Drop all non-numeric columns

>>> step = ml.Drop(~ml.numeric())

Drop specific columns by name

>>> step = ml.Drop(["x", "y"])


MutateAt(self, inputs, expr=None, /, **named_exprs)

A step for mutating a selection of columns.


Name Type Description Default
inputs SelectionType A selection of columns to use as inputs to expr/named_exprs. required
expr Callable[[ir.Column], ir.Column] | Deferred | None An optional callable (Column -> Column) or deferred expression to apply to all columns in inputs. Output columns will have the same name as their respective inputs (effectively replacing them in the output table). None
named_exprs Callable[[ir.Column], ir.Column] | Deferred Named callables (Column -> Column) or deferred expressions to apply to all columns in inputs. Output columns will be named {column}_{name} where column is the input column name and name is the expression/callable name. {}


>>> import ibis_ml as ml
>>> from ibis import _

Replace all numeric columns with their absolute values.

>>> step = ml.MutateAt(ml.numeric(), _.abs())

Same as the above, but instead create new columns with _abs suffixes.

>>> step = ml.MutateAt(ml.numeric(), abs=_.abs())


Mutate(self, *exprs, **named_exprs)

A step for defining new columns with Ibis.


Name Type Description Default
exprs Callable[[ir.Table], ir.Column] | Deferred Callables (Table -> Column) or deferred expressions to use to define new columns in the output table. ()
named_exprs Callable[[ir.Table], ir.Column] | Deferred Named callables (Table -> Column) or deferred expressions to use to define new columns in the output table. {}


>>> import ibis_ml as ml
>>> from ibis import _

Define a new column c as a**2 + b**2

>>> step = ml.Mutate(c=_.a**2 + _.b**2)
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