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Configuration Options


Ibis configuration options.


Name Type Description
interactive bool

Show the first few rows of computing an expression when in a repl.

repr Repr

Options controlling expression printing.

verbose bool

Run in verbose mode if True

verbose_log Callable[[str], None] | None

A callable to use when logging.

graphviz_repr bool

Render expressions as GraphViz PNGs when running in a Jupyter notebook.

default_backend Optional[ibis.backends.base.BaseBackend], default None

The default backend to use for execution, defaults to DuckDB if not set.

context_adjustment ContextAdjustment

Options related to time context adjustment.

sql SQL

SQL-related options.

clickhouse Config | None

Clickhouse specific options.

dask Config | None

Dask specific options.

impala Config | None

Impala specific options.

pandas Config | None

Pandas specific options.

pyspark Config | None

PySpark specific options.


Expression printing options.


Name Type Description
depth int

The maximum number of expression nodes to print when repring.

table_columns int

The number of columns to show in leaf table expressions.

query_text_length int

The maximum number of characters to show in the query field repr of SQLQueryResult operations.

show_types bool

Show the inferred type of value expressions in the repr.

interactive bool

Options controlling the interactive repr.


SQL-related options.


Name Type Description
default_limit int | None

Number of rows to be retrieved for a table expression without an explicit limit. None means no limit.

default_dialect str

Dialect to use for printing SQL when the backend cannot be determined.


Options related to time context adjustment.


Name Type Description
time_col str

Name of the timestamp column for execution with a timecontext. See ibis/expr/ for details.

Last update: June 22, 2023