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Compute the top K records

Here we use the topk method to compute the top 5 customers for some generated TPC-H data by:

  • count (the default)
  • sum of order totals
>>> import ibis
>>> ibis.options.interactive = True
>>> con = ibis.duckdb.connect()  # in-memory duckdb
>>> con.raw_sql("CALL dbgen(sf=0.1)")
>>> orders = con.table("orders")
>>> orders.o_custkey.topk(5)  # top 5 most frequent customers
 o_custkey  count 
 !int32     int64 
      8761     36 
     11998     36 
      3151     35 
      8362     35 
       388     35 
>>> topk = orders.o_custkey.topk(5, by=orders.o_totalprice.sum())  # top 5 largest spending customers
>>> topk
 o_custkey  sum            
 !int32     decimal(38, 2) 
      8362      5793605.05 
      6958      5370682.19 
      9454      5354381.81 
       346      5323350.43 
     10354      5227957.24 

You can also use topk to retrieve the rows from the original table that match the key used, in this case o_custkey. This is done with a left semi join:

>>> orders.semi_join(topk, "o_custkey")
 o_orderkey  o_custkey  o_orderstatus  o_totalprice     o_orderdate  o_orderpriority  o_clerk          o_shippriority  o_comment                                                    
 !int32      !int32     !string        !decimal(15, 2)  !date        !string          !string          !int32          !string                                                      
       4000       6958  F                    115722.85  1992-01-04   5-LOW            Clerk#000000339 │              0 │ le carefully closely even pinto beans. regular, ironic foxe… │
      14402       8362  F                    131557.79  1993-10-15   3-MEDIUM         Clerk#000000672 │              0 │ azzle slyly. carefully regular instructions affix carefully… │
      14784      10354  F                    216307.34  1992-03-15   3-MEDIUM         Clerk#000000479 │              0 │ lyly final theodoli                                          │
      17415      10354  O                    110427.40  1996-09-18   2-HIGH           Clerk#000000148 │              0 │ . furiously even asymptotes wake carefully according to t    │
      17760       9454  F                    167249.60  1992-06-05   4-NOT SPECIFIED  Clerk#000000093 │              0 │ uriously final pinto beans wake furiously                    │
      18853       9454  F                    163677.19  1993-01-18   1-URGENT         Clerk#000000046 │              0 │ sts. courts haggle furiously. even, enticing depo            │
      21317       8362  P                    267386.98  1995-04-10   5-LOW            Clerk#000000737 │              0 │ Tiresias. accounts a                                         │
      23138       8362  O                    174882.01  1997-07-23   1-URGENT         Clerk#000000253 │              0 │ uctions integrate carefully regular pinto beans. silent acc… │
      23972      10354  F                    129646.66  1993-08-17   4-NOT SPECIFIED  Clerk#000001000 │              0 │ s. blithely final packages sleep quickly idle pearls. even,… │
      24064        346  F                    147095.22  1993-07-26   3-MEDIUM         Clerk#000000020 │              0 │ ithely final foxes. furiously final instructi                │

Last update: June 22, 2023