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Write a Streamlit app with Ibis

Streamlit + Ibis = ❤

Ibis supports the streamlit experimental_connection interface, making it easier than ever to combine the powers of both tools!

Check out the example application below that shows the top N ingredients from a corpus of recipes using the ClickHouse backend!

And here's the source code for the application:

Source code
from __future__ import annotations

import requests
import streamlit as st

from ibis import _
from ibis.streamlit import IbisConnection

st.set_page_config(page_title="Yummy Data", layout="wide")
st.title("Yummy Data :bacon:")

def get_emoji():
    resp = requests.get(
    emojis = resp.json()
    return emojis

options = [1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100]

def query():
    return ("snake_case")
        .mutate( n: n.lower()).unnest())
            emoji=lambda df:
                lambda emoji: f"{emojis.get(emoji, '-')}"

emojis = get_emoji()

con = st.experimental_connection("ch", type=IbisConnection)

if n :="Ingredients", options, index=1, horizontal=True):
    table, whole = st.columns((2, 1))
    idx = options.index(n)
    k = 0
    base = query()
    for m in options[: idx + 1]:
        df = base.iloc[k:m]
        if not k:
            word = "first"
        elif m < n:
            word = "next"
            word = "last"

        uniq_emojis = " ".join(df.emoji[df.emoji != "-"].unique())
        table.header(f"{word.title()} {m - k:d}")

        table.dataframe(df, use_container_width=True)
        k = m

    b = base.iloc[:n]
    uniq_emojis = " ".join(b.emoji[b.emoji != "-"].unique())
    whole.header(f"Top {n:d}")
    whole.dataframe(b, use_container_width=True)

Last update: July 28, 2023