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Contribute to the Ibis Codebase

Getting started

First, set up a development environment.

Taking Issues

If you find an issue you want to work on, write a comment with the text /take on the issue. GitHub will then assign the issue to you.

Running the test suite

To run tests that do not require a backend:

pytest -m core

Backend Test Suites

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If you haven't made changes to the core of ibis (e.g., ibis/expr) or any specific backends (ibis/backends) this material isn't necessary to follow to make a pull request.

First, we need to download example data to run the tests successfully:

just download-data

To run the tests for a specific backend (e.g. sqlite):

pytest -m sqlite

Setting up non-trivial backends

These client-server backends need to be started before testing them. They can be started with docker-compose directly, or using the just tool.

  • ClickHouse: just up clickhouse
  • PostgreSQL: just up postgres
  • MySQL: just up mysql
  • impala: just up impala

Test the backend locally

If anything seems amiss with a backend, you can of course test it locally:

export PGPASSWORD=postgres
psql -t -A -h localhost -U postgres -d ibis_testing -c "select 'success'"

Writing the commit

Ibis follows the Conventional Commits structure. In brief, the commit summary should look like:

fix(types): make all floats doubles

The type (e.g. fix) can be:

  • fix: A bug fix. Correlates with PATCH in SemVer
  • feat: A new feature. Correlates with MINOR in SemVer
  • docs: Documentation only changes
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc) ` If the commit fixes a Github issue, add something like this to the bottom of the description:

    fixes #4242

Submit a PR

Ibis follows the standard Git Pull Request process. The team will review the PR and merge when it's ready.

Last update: January 20, 2023